A hematocrit centrifuge, also known as a miniature hematocrit centrifuge, is a specialized centrifuge designed specifically for measuring the hematocrit value of blood samples. Hematocrit is the proportion of red blood cells (RBC) in a given volume of blood, typically expressed as a percentage. This measurement is crucial for diagnosing and monitoring various diseases, such as anemia and polycythemia. It has functions such as separating blood components, measuring hematocrit values, and measuring hematocrit cell volume (PCV). It is widely used in fields or scenarios such as anemia diagnosis, hematocrit level monitoring, preoperative and postoperative care, blood donation centers, donor screening, research laboratories, hematology research, veterinary medicine, animal health monitoring, etc.
The hematocrit centrifuge is an important tool for accurately and rapidly determining hematocrit values in clinical and research environments. Their use helps diagnose and monitor a range of blood diseases, making them indispensable in medical practice and research.